Thursday, March 4, 2010

Poof Poofie Poof and TallBlondSD

I renewed my ad on the site, because the pots are just disappearing as quickly as they come and I can't count on HottieSD, even though how interested he is. But once again only poof-daddies emerge. I send e-mails here and there, everyone's interested, but then not one promise materializes.
One pot originating from Januarys ad on the regular dating site still keeps in contact. He's 51 and a CEO of his own consulting company. He's been super busy with business trips and then he was off to a skiing holiday with his kids.
But when he got back in town, he himself contacted me to schedule a lunch. I was very excited as we had gotten to know each other quite well and share a lot of same interests. But then the day before our lunch he cancels!
He's having second thoughts as he "can't promise enough of his time, as he has been living for his work and the kids for so long, he's not sure he is able to commit to me as well as I would deserve". What a wonderful thought, but I'm not looking for a husband! So I write him a soothing e-mail explaining how everything would be on his terms and according to his timetables. I won't need him constantly, I would just love to make him feel happy and wanted and the moments we would share, would be full of stressfree fun and smiles. Happily he saw the light and now we are meeting next week for lunch. Can't wait!

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