Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bluer than velvet was the night, Softer than satin was the light

MrAccent came to see me, we had a wonderful dinner at one of the best restaurants in town, kissed a bit in his nice boutique hotel room and then I left. No sugar, no sex. And then he disappeared. Whatevs.
Then there is this man I probably haven't mentioned in the blog before, let's call him MrEccentric for now. We talked for quite a bit last summer and then I decided to let him go, but now he's back. He's in south of France on his yact at the moment and is feeling the itch to move on, it's getting cold in Europe. We haven't talked for 3 months but everything is the same. The chemistry, the feeling of knowing each other since the beginning of time, talking in metaphors, getting restless and talking of nothing on the phone for hours. His voice gets me wet.. haven't masturbated this much since.. never?

This whole thing reminds me of how I met my ex-boyfriend. We met online and for a reason just chatted online for maybe two months. The chemistry was amazing, it was like a drug. When we finally met, it was love at first sight, fireworks and abandonment of everything else. It lasted for 4 years until we both were burnt out on the love and passion. The sex was incredible till the last night we spent together, us both crying through sweaty panting climax as we knew it was the last one together.
So, I don't now.. meeting MrEccentric could be a disaster leaving me burnt, or it could be a mind blowing, life changing chance of... everything I have ever wanted. Isn't it funny how you become hesitant when you are offered the world and adventures you have always dreamt of?

PS Oh well, gotta confess, me and the ex met a couple of times after the break up just for sex...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creatures of the night

I live my everyday life as if nothing ever happens and feel like an outsider among the people I know. I meet men for lunch/coffee/drinks after work, and they stare at me like wolves, perhaps I just imagine the saliva dripping from their mouths. The engineers, CEOs, CFOs, business owners, sales men. I'm charming, smiling and efficient, ask about their hopes and say out loud my wishes in euros looking them straight in the eye. And then for once you feel the butterflies and eyes lock for the split second and it feels all right again.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Once upon a time...

...I was surfing bag & shoe porn on the PurseForum and stumbled on a picture of a girl in her early 20's posing in a hotel lobby with a man in his 50's. Photo caption said something like "Me with my daddy at xxx". OK she had her skyhigh Loubies, black Chanel 2.55 and a nice skimpy shiny dress and my first reaction was oh wow, but of course there are SBs on tPF =D

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sentiment of the day

I'm seriously thinking about ordering this necklace.
Mr Accent is coming to meet me on Saturday next week, so I have a week to start feeling like a lady again and not a desperate ho. Thanks to all the potentials I've been talking to lately....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Accomplishments so far = nothing

Ok not really, I have met amazing people (mostly online), fine tuned my goals and wishes and kept my faith. September was grazy and busy, work was hectic and left me little time to spend time with real life friends. Some evenings were spent emailing/skyping/talking on the phone with potentials...
Right now I'm talking with 4 serious contenders (Mr Accent and Mr French still among them) and with 3 others emailing is still at an early stage. I have learned some patience, these guys just can't fly off on a short notice and luckily they are gentlemen and don't demand me traveling to meet them. I'd love that though, and probably will do that with couple of them, otherwise we'll never meet.
Mr Accent is already excited about house hunting with me. He's looking for a new house in London, preferably in Mayfair, so yes, sir, I'm excited as well. We talk on the phone several times a week plus some emails, we have so much in common... The plan is for him to come see me next weekend, keep your fingers crossed! Mr French gives me a nagging feeling something is amiss, so I won't put much effort on him. Mr Travel whom I mentioned in an earlier post, emails/texts me maybe once a week, at the moment he's in Asia. I have no idea does he travel for business or purely for fun, all he does is fun.. I'm tempted to scream oh come on, lets meet already for the first time and we'll finally see are we a match, a little detour to see me is not a problem for you! But I'll refrain myself, it will happen if it's meant to be.And then there is Mr Newbie, also from London. He contacted me on Facebook with his official profile, so he was easy to check out and google. He has never been a SD, but hopes to find a mature mistress to spoil and spend time enjoying concerts, theatre, fine dining and walks in the park (haha not really, but he really wants to spend quality time with his mistress). My location is not a problem and he's willing to compensate my time in a very generous way. Hopefully we'll talk more next week, and for him I'll probably fly to London in two weeks.
Oops what a long post and nothing really exciting in it. I'm hoping your sugar life is more fulfilling than mine. Now I'm off to enjoy the glorious autumn day!