Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First date and an arrangement on the making!

SmoothieSD e-mailed yesterday, he had forgotten his cellphone in the office, that's why I couldn't reach him the other day. Our date on Monday went very well (despite his bad breath), we just laughed and talked about the serious stuff. He was so easy to be with and the things we would do together fit my bill exactly. So we talked again on the phone yesterday evening and set up a date for next week to start the arrangement! Wohoo! No more talk about a free testdrive or being exclusive, he just wants me to be honest with him. He thinks I'm the sexiest woman he's met for some time, always a good thing to say to a woman ;) I can't wait, he got me all hot & bothered on the phone, he sure knows how to talk to me... We'll talk more on the weekend, let's hope he doesn't back out then. But I'm optimistic, he seems to be honest and sincere. But oh my, if this goes through, I'M IN AN ARRANGEMENT!

The new potential I met in a chat room on Monday and had lunch with yesterday, was one of those guys that I'm not sure what to think. Let's call him Shortie, as he was shorter than me and I'm 5'5", but he had a BMW convertible and I'm a sucker for convertibles.. He dressed a bit flashy and I myself am quite a subtle dresser, but that probably can be handled with a bit of shopping together. We hit it off nicely and he was genuinely interested about me and what would we do together. He could teach me to golf and take me sailing next summer (too bad I'm afraid of water...). We'll talk more later this week, let's see how my perception of him might change. Oh the car... *sigh*
Would I be too picky and plain silly if I dumped Shortie because of his height or Smoothie because of bad breath, even if everything else checks out?

1 comment:

Sexy Sadie said...

Shortie - Hmmm if he's shorter than 5'5... :) I don't know. Depends on the kind of allowance he's willing to provide. Somethings a girl can put up with, that is just me though :)

Smoothie - Bad breath can be dealt with easily - brush teeth, use mouthwash, chew bubble gum or mints.
Wouldn't dump a guy for something like that. Who hasn't had bad breath at least once in their life? We wake up with it every morning LOL :)