Monday, May 3, 2010

Slowly getting there... maybe

Rejection has become easy. Rejecting has become easy. I'm not letting any of that shadow the journey, even if it is really boring and tedious every now and then. I'm not going to let anything drag me down or force me to settle. I know what I have to give to my future SD.
Right now I'm waiting for one new potential to get back to me about a date in my home town. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, as he feels so right. He's a 50something banker from London. We have similar values, we share the same interests, his wishes for an arrangement are similar to mine, we can talk openly and are both a bit surprised about all of it. Let's hope he doesn't get cold feet. I already bought a new peacock green silk dress for the date =D


Eden said...

Good luck! If there's one thing I've learned , you need a lot of grit in this game. You'll get there. Hope the date works out :-)

Jessi said...

I just started following.

Good luck on the date! I'm anxiously awaiting what happens next!

AdrianeSB said...

Eden, thank you, yes I have learned a lot about myself during this search =) and can't wait for the plans to come to reality!

juici, welcome and thank you! Yes me, too, I will definitely keep you posted =)