Friday, April 23, 2010

A possible date next week is in the works

So the everyday life goes on as usual.. I go to work, meet friends, do some excercise, get back home, browse and e-mail potentials. I have been e-mailing with that one potential for almost a week now. He lives in another continent, but travels to Europe if not every week, but several times a month anyway, both for business and pleasure.
He is a man with few words, but we have gotten to know each other quite well already. He will be in Europe for the next few weeks and I''ll probably meet him in London or in Amsterdam next week, May 1st. He will of course cover my airfare, hotel and provide a little extra for my time to come to see him, so far so good, and I have made it clear I'm not sleeping with him on the first date. Now it's just a waiting game to see if he'll go through with it or does he poof on the last minute. Wish me luck...
That is not a done deal yet, so I've continued e-mailing potentials on I target only pots in locations that are easy for me to fly and/or who travel extensively and are at least 15 years my senior. It's slim pickings, girls... But no worries, there's someone for everyone and if nothing else, I'll learn to be patient =D


Caribbean Princess said...

Great job~ Absolutely dead right on it.

Same here, GolferSD has finally scheduled for June6th to 11 possibly 12th, depends on travel accomodations.Lucky enough as we were about to book the resort for the island,we were advised to check on his passport. I had no clue that as a policy, he had to have at least 6 months valid passport. He checked later this evening and is good till the end of December, which means we are good. But he will start on getting the new one already just in case.

keep up posted...

AdrianeSB said...

yayyy for you, too!!! And oops, I need to check my passport, don't remember for how long it's valid, and if I start to really travel now and to more exotic locations, I can't afford to get that kind of surprises =) Thanks for a reminder!